Web Hosting Resources

Website Cache Clearing

clear full page cache with breeze

To enhance your website’s performance, we implement advanced caching technologies. Our smart caching system is designed to immediately reflect updates on your website by selectively clearing cached pages as they are modified.

However, if you find that changes are not appearing, you may need to clear the cache manually. To do this, navigate to the WordPress dashboard, click on the “Breeze” menu at the top, and choose “Clear all Cache” from the dropdown menu. This simple action ensures your updates are visible to all visitors.

DNS Records

Website Records

All instructions are for the base/apex domain and are in {host} -> {value} format.

We use Cloudflare Enterprise as our Firewall and CDN. Please update your DNS records as specified below to direct your site’s traffic through Cloudflare, ensuring enhanced security and performance.

A Records
@ ->
@ ->

CNAME Records
www -> secure.cloudways.cloud

Please ensure these are the only A and CNAME records for @ and www. 

TXT Record

Some domains require us to create an additional text record to verify domain ownership. We will notify you if this is the case, as each TXT record is unique.

Email Records

All instructions are for the base/apex domain and are in {host} -> {value} format.

To authorize emails sent from our servers on your behalf and ensure optimal deliverability, please configure the DNS records listed below. We utilize ElasticMail as our transactional email service.


An SPF record is listed as a TXT record type in most DNS services.

If your domain already has an SPF record, add include:_spf.elasticemail.com to the end of your existing record, ensuring that the line ends with ~all.

If your domain does not yet have an SPF record, create a TXT record with the following value: v=spf1 include:_spf.elasticemail.com ~all.


A DKIM record is listed as a TXT record type in most DNS services.

api._domainkey -> k=rsa;t=s;p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCbmGbQMzYeMvxwtNQoXN0waGYaciuKx8mtMh5czguT4EZlJXuCt6V+l56mmt3t68FEX5JJ0q4ijG71BGoFRkl87uJi7LrQt1ZZmZCvrEII0YO4mp8sDLXC8g1aUAoi8TJgxq2MJqCaMyj5kAm3Fdy2tzftPCV/lbdiJqmBnWKjtwIDAQAB


tracking -> api.elasticemail.com


Your domain may already have a similar record in place; if so, please leave it as is; otherwise, please create the following.

_dmarc -> v=DMARC1; p=none;